Provider Program Application

When a person is sponsored for your service, they will receive a Voucher for Tinman Coin(s). Each Voucher specifies which service and/or Wellness Partner is granted. It is your duty as Wellness Partner to complete the Coin Redemption Request in our Partner Portal located at

Providers may decline to offer service to a person sponsored by Blake's Tinman Mental Health Foundation. While not required, we encourage providers to offer a predetermined discount as indicated in this application. Providers shall inform Blake’s Tinman how they would like to receive payment when they submit the Coin Redemption Request. Contact Blakes Tinman at 608-572-2665 or email

Payment or reimbursement for services will not be made until the service is performed and Tinman Coin Voucher is verified.

Sponsorships/Wellness Grants apply only to services provided by an approved Wellness Partner.